Who We Are

Everyone has goals and dreams. Life tends to take us on a winding journey before we reach that goal. It certainly has done that for me. I started drawing when I was 4 years old growing up in Louisville, Kentucky. I continued making art off and on over the years before finally returning to what I love and honing my skills. Growing up in the 70s and 80s, I was fascinated with superheroes, monsters, and science fiction but also loved cartoons!  I also became an animal lover - especially dogs. Its no secret, my rescue dogs - Olive & Otis - have been known to be spoiled (at least my wife Sarah says so). All of that shows through in my art. I love to create art in a realistic style for the subjects I’m focused on but am always looking to try something new to push myself. I’m a self-taught artist and am always looking for ways to grow - as any good artist should. 

My first love has always been drawing in graphite pencil but have grown to love some new mediums - pen and ink and oil painting. Pen and ink offers new challenges as there aren’t easy ways to erase but I love the simplicity of the bold ink lines - it has a very “old school” illustration look to it. I took up painting in oils a few years ago and have never looked back - I absolutely love it. My aunt was a professional oil painter when I was growing up and remember taking a class with her in my teens. I’m so happy I found my way back to it. Drawing in pencil and ink, combined with oil paints seems like the perfect combination.

I owe all of my strength and determination to my wife Sarah. She pushed me to get back to my art and is my constant support. Whenever I think an art piece I’m working on is not going so well or am not sure of its direction, she is always a great sounding board to get me through those moments of doubt that all artists seem to have.

Art is intended to evoke an emotional response from the viewer whether it be a joyful tear, a feeling of awe, or something else. My goal as an artist is to create works that bring a smile, a good memory, or joy to someone - whether the work of art is for a client or simply a personal piece for me. I thoroughly enjoy not just the finished piece but the process including the search for just the right subject.